Today we have a tip for you how to save data volume if you’re not on a Wi-Fi network.
The Price Trend
THIS Feature helps you to answer the question “buy or not to buy?”
If you click on a cover you’ll get to the item details. When you scroll down, you will see the price trend for this item.
Different Lists!
Today we would like to explain our different lists and what it’s all about.
Different arrow colors.
If you had always trouble to understand the colors of the price-arrows, here comes the explanation.
Choose what you want so see.
Choose which offers you want to see.
If you just want to see the latest deals from Movies or Music you set it up in “Settings” and then “My Deals”.
What does “MyDeals” and “Price alerts” do?
Maybe you wondered where all the deals in “My Deals” in the app come from? We would like to explain this and how “My Deals” works.
Continue reading “What does “MyDeals” and “Price alerts” do?”
How to individualize your App
Today we want to show you another great feature of CheapCharts which you probably don’t know. It is a setting which controls the starting page of your app.
From iTunes to your wish list.
If you are looking for some stuff directly on iTunes instead of looking on CheapCharts but you still want to put items on your CheapCharts wish list without leaving the iTunes app you can do it easily with the „Share Button“ on iTunes.
Your CheapCharts Account
If you still don’t have a CheapCharts account you should read the following benefits why a free CheapCharts account is a good idea for you.